Before I listened to the new Weezer record, “Teal”, I was under the impression that it was done a bit tongue-in-cheek, with a similar sarcasm to Weezer records of the past. Covering a mishmash of songs including hits from the ages such as “Happy Together”, “No Scrubs”, and “Paranoid”, there had to be a little sarcasm, at least, right? Nope. They did these songs with the straightlaced nature of a new “Kidz Bop” album. It’s an awful, karaoke-like money grab. The only salvation for this record is that you know every lyric to every song and, if you don’t mind the random nature of the song collection itself, can hum along for the entire 36 agonizing minutes. I hate to dis Weezer, because I considered myself a big fan back in the mid-90’s, but this is not good. Save yourself some time and pass on this one.