Well, campers, the time we’ve all been waiting for has come! Yes, the YMCA will be embarking on the construction of a new cabin that will, in body, mind, and spirit, honor one of the true founding families of Camp Colman, the Nichols. We are making great progress, but WE STILL NEED YOUR HELP! We must raise $150,000 by the end of March in order to kick off construction in time for a ribbon-cutting ceremony sometime this summer.
I’ve had several of you come to me asking, how can I contribute and the answer to that is, it’s incredibly simple, just click on the below link, and once you get to the Camping & Outdoor Leadership page MAKE SURE TO SELECT THE DESIGNATION OF “NICHOLS CABIN – CAMP COLMAN“, fill in your contribution details and a payment option, and you’re good to go.
The Y is making it as easy as possible for people to contribute, allowing recurring contributions as far out as 5 years to help us get to the $150K mark as quickly as possible, so we can get the construction started ASAP!
Also, whether you have the means to contribute or not, we hope that you’ll pencil in July 13, 2019 for the Camp Colman Salmon Bake & Nichols Cabin Ribbon Cutting. More details to follow as the date and details are confirmed.
Thanks again for your help and make it a great day, campers!